Привіт (pr. Pryvit). That’s ‘hello’ in Ukrainian. I am sending a more personal email today, the Day of the Nightingale. I wanted to say thank you to all the wonderful partners who have supported my initiative. I started Solovey, a Ukrainian charitable campaign brand, almost two years ago to raise money for War Child. The
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Hello, I’m Yasha. If I haven’t crossed paths with you, I’m part of the team here at Piper and work with our partner brands in helping them become brand legends. I also happen to be Ukrainian. When the war broke out last February, I did what any good patriotic diaspora Ukrainian should do – I
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A massive congratulations to two Piper colleagues, Dan Stern and Leon Hughes, who brilliantly finished the London Marathon after months of hard work (one did significantly better than the other but no need to mention names). They also managed to raise £6k for Barnados and NSPCC. This is them in the pub afterwards enjoying a